
Creative doodles = Creative blogging!
Welcome to my studio, den, workshop, and library! 
Among these entries you will find some creative blogging done
using pictures, videos, squiggles, patterns, photos, lists, squiggles,
  scribbles, textures, black and white, splashes of color and an occasional mess
  mixing all the above!

 For me doodling is simply about letting go and waiting to see
what is created once I reach the end of whatever type of session might be
  happening. Though I do at times sit down to sketch or draw a particular
  object or item.

Most often, the thought of sketching causes my creative muse to  hide in a corner all bashful and shy. Like a preschooler called on to say her  name in front of the class, instead she ducks and remains  uncooperative. I can easily coax her out by calling her to come out and play.
No  pressure trying to sketch a realistic or identifiable picture of any  type...let’s just doodle! Squiggle and scribble on this blank piece of paper  with a crisp black pen and see what  happens!

The circles above were done one morning over coffee before I  really was awake enough to plan much -but then the squiggles that started out  in the middle of this blank card didn't seem like much of a start

Neither of these was a planned design and I enjoy being surprised  to see what the finished project looks like...most of the

Circles, lines & squiggles
The circles above were done one morning over coffee before I really was awake enough to plan much.

 But, then the squiggles that started out in the middle of this blank card didn't seem like much of a start either....

Neither of these was a planned design.

I enjoy being surprised and am excited to see what the finished project looks like...most of the time.....

Oh, Oh ...The creation below obviously needed more coffee!

 The whole piece has a muddled angry feel to it and honestly seems
to reflect how I feel after a less than restful

The only thing worse than a sleepless night is having my morning
routine of a solitary cup of coffee in peace and quiet interrupted as it was on
this particular morning....

I think a bit of the crankiness I felt made its way into this doodle ...
Do you agree?

Please - Make yourself at home! Feel free to scriibble, scratch, doodle, and even go ahead and sketch a bit if you are on a positive roll.... I'd love to hear about your creative doodling adventures!
3/9/2013 11:27:33 am

I love this site! I can tell it must be a real passion of yours!

3/9/2013 12:07:34 pm

Yes Jodi - it is! A rediscovered passion/ addiction :) Come back soon!!!

3/9/2013 11:45:26 am

Very nice site, Deb.

3/9/2013 12:05:51 pm

Pat--great seeing you pop in, I hope you will check back often!!!


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